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Toyota2023.03.17 21:09:07

What is "MAPCODE"?

MAPCODE is numbers that are predetermined according to latitude and longitude.

It's a 6-12 digits number and you can input it to car navigation system(GPS) instead of address.

Three good points of MAPCODE

1. Easy to input

Japanese address and spots names are complicated and it is irritating to input it to car navigation system. MAPCODE are just numbers and easier to input.

2. Guide to minor spot

You can use address, spot names and phone number to input to car navigation system. However,

MAPCODE can pinpoint any place in Japan even the place doesn't have own address nore phone number.

3. The most accurate

MAPCODE can identify a specific cell of 9 square meters(3m x 3m) at the most detailed level and are more accurate than address or spot name.

If you input spot name or address to car navigation system, sometimes it guides you to the center of the spot.

You need to spend additional time to search car park near the spot.

MAPCODE from Drive Japan will guide you to the entrance of car park near the spots.


★Search Japan Mapcode  https://japanmapcode.com/en